Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Begining

I’ve been a long time miniatures gamer and fan of Lord of the Rings I’ve been collecting the GW LOTR figures since they first came out in 2001 in conjunction with the first LOTR film. I enjoy the game and have played a number of games after a new years clean up I’ve discovered that I have 50+ figures earmarked for my LOTR project yet not a single one is painted! Some are partially painted from back in 2009, others primed, most simply glued to bases. And to top it off I have boxes and blisters of miniatures I’ve never even opened! This in essence is the reason for this blog, to chronicle my LOTR projects. 
Box sets from 2001 Fellowship of the Ring and 2002 The Two Towers.
Unopened blisters from 2001onwards plus an OOP Heritage LOTR figure and a Mithril blister.
Heritage and Mithril blisters.
In addition to to hobby projects I'll be including some articles on the lore of the Lord of the Rings and the Anglo-Saxon heroic literature which so influenced its creator.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah and my google plus people can follow it easier.

  2. Replies
    1. Now I've just got to get out the paints.

    2. can you add the follow gadget it won't let me add it manually

    3. I try I only saw their new google plus followers button. Check back tonight.

    4. Ok now you call follow this Mr. Quinton!

  3. I wish I could discover that kind of haul when I clean. That's plenty to be getting in with. I look forward to seeing your progress.

  4. Great stuff Robert, I look forward to your progress with this. I agree the new Hobbit figs are pricey, but like you I have a ton of old collected LOTR figures still crying out for some 'love' so hope to crack on painting these this year...

  5. Looking forward to following this blog too!
